Christopher Columbus Hero or Villain?
American public school teaches that Christopher Columbus and other “explorers” were benevolent “discoverers”, sailing the seas on behalf of their sovereigns, in search of knowledge and resources. As a young students we learned cute rhymes like, “In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue”. Around Thanksgiving half our class donned tea stained fringed frocks and feather headbands and the other half buckled hats and loafers. We sat at the lunchroom table simulating the peaceful breaking of bread and cooperation between the indigenous people and European colonizers. While it is historically accurate that the settlers of Plymouth Rock celebrated the successful harvest of 1621 with members of the Wampanoag tribe, it is untrue that the “explorers” of the Americas treated the native peoples or their land with respect. Explorers invaded land, stole resources such as precious metals and jewels, massacred entire indigenous populations, and sold millions more into slavery. T...